👥 Main Telegram Channel

We have chosen Telegram as our fastest tool to communicate. It is a space where we can share with our subscribers important information and updates about the project, while keeping our personal information such as our phone numbers and/or emails private.

The login information to the video-calls is shared in smaller sub-channels classified by level of difficulty.

Telegram Sub-Channels

In these sub-channels the login information to the classes will be posted. Every level has its own Telegram sub-channel, so you can really learn from the content of the class. By doing this you will avoid being in a class that is too easy and boring or too difficult and overwhelming. This setup allows us to limit the number of students per class and helps avoid spammers or out of place students, who spoil the learning environment by giving away answers too fast or slowing everyone down.

1️⃣ Basic

2️⃣ Intermediate

3️⃣ Advanced (Business)

Any concern send us an email to bluespanishlive@gmail.com